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「如果元宇宙有個創作展,它該會是什麼樣的光景?」2017 年,四個學生試著用展覽回答這樣的問題。從分別來自平面設計、互動設計、動態設計與推測設計的角度,提出他們對於近未來光景的想像(也是為了從交大應藝所順利畢業)於是展覽名稱彷彿從天而降的定了下來:「meta」。


我們應該都同意,它就是個避無可避的惡夢。無論是班展、畢業展、師生展、成果展,各位想必都清楚它從概念到成形過程中種種煩躁與荒謬之事。在當年 meta 展結束後,帶著各自的收穫,他們也發現了一些關於創作展的心得:·

⬢ 展覽的本質是內容展示,然後才是行銷

因為 meta 的主旨是「用作品開啟想像」,沒有客戶、沒有售票,沒有人流、曝光、收益、周邊、報告等等的壓力,我們得以專心創作、為了作品最完美的樣態去規劃空間、燈光、聲音與視覺,因此我們得到了非常多質化的回饋,也非常珍惜這些針對作品的評論。這樣的策展方式在學生時期司空見慣,但出了社會之後卻是難能可貴;也是懷著這樣的初心,才會在五年後想再次專心致志地再帶給大家一次「純粹的創作展」。

⬢ 「觀賞作品」其實是種奢求


⬢ 創作展可廣也可深,但我們想當後者


⬢ 隊友這種東西,寧缺勿濫


⬢ 避免製造無用的周邊



下面的圖文是一些 meta 的展覽內容回顧,幫大家預熱一下這些業界叱吒的設計師們,在學生時期是如何僥倖低空飛過畢業門檻的。其實這些舊作逢年過節拿出來給大家笑一下也不錯。


「meta 主流套路」跨領域創作聯展

一如 metaball 之間的交集與融合,我們將展覽概念專注於「跨領域創作」,將空間集眾人之長劃為四區,藉由跨界創作方式串連四大創作領域。參展設計師分別來自四個不同領域的新秀與精銳,作品直指未來設計的可能性,橫跨平面設計、互動媒體、思辨設計與動態圖像,展示最具前瞻性的創作方式與脈絡。

meta 狹義的定義至今仍未有精準的翻譯,顧及套路所需,展覽名稱也為主流大眾定了中文名稱,叫做「主流套路」。
展覽時間 | 2017/01/20 ─ 01/25
展覽地點 | 濕地 venue 台北市中山區林森北路 107 巷 10 號 5F
展覽門票 | 免費
開幕茶會 | 2017/01/21 ‧ 18:00 ─ 21:00 ※本展覽為完全學術研究與創作之成果展

Project 001|吳克軍 ─ 內 / 新媒體藝術
Project 002|何庭安 ─ 漢字動態專案 / 動態圖像設計
Project 003|邱梁鈞 ─ 突向持存 / 思辨設計
Project 004|李宜軒 ─ Pick Up and Poster It! / 平面設計

Project 001|吳克軍 ─ 內 / 新媒體藝術

《內 - Internal Phenomenon》以情緒為主軸,透過與新媒體的結合,試圖以互動影像的形式重組並再現情緒轉換的過程,讓觀者拋入情緒洪流的同時,從中領悟情緒的本質,以及轉化心境的重要。 作品互動在特定章節有深度偵測與情緒辨識; 深度偵測:觀者可以在空間中任意走動與觸碰虛擬球體,即產生色彩與動態的變化。 情緒辨識:在特定時間內對場域中的左方鏡子變換表情,透過程式分析,影像將得到即時回饋。
As the saying goes, “You are what you think.” (Literal Translation: We feel pleasured when the surroundings are controlled by our heart; we feel annoyed when our heart is controlled by the surroundings.) In the chaotic world, what influences our emotions and mental states is not the outer surroundings, but rather the inner feelings and sentiments.
“Internal Phenomenon” revolves around the topic emotion. Connected with new media, the exhibition is aimed to recreate the process of emotional transitions, by reconstructing interactive images. Fallen in the torrent of emotions, the viewer could realize the essence of emotions as well as the importance of shifting mental states.

Project 002 │ Motion Type Project 漢字動態專案

動態圖文 (Motion Graphics ) 自問世以來,在平面設計、廣告等大眾信息的傳播中始終扮演著重要的角色。過往的多數作品中,由拉丁與羅馬字母作為主角的動態圖文未曾缺席;相較下使用漢字所完成的案例卻屈指可數。
Since the advent of motion graphic, it plays an important role in the dissemination of information.
However, most of motion graphics are products of the Roman alphabet, relatively few examples of Chinese instead. Because of the difference between Oriental characters and Westerns, using the same design approach is not entirely appropriate.
In addition to offering insights into Chinese design evaluation associated with the contents of design quality on motion, it is hoped that the findings of this study could facilitate understanding of how designers or design students learn the evaluation and unique of Chinese / Taiwanese graphic designs.

Project 003 │ 突向持存

如果對於時間有更多認識,我們是否更能掌握我們的人生呢?透過《突向持存 Temporality》這一系列三件作品,我開展了一連串關於主觀時間與客觀時間的討論,試圖透過設計激發觀者對於時間的想像,挖掘時間的更多可能。
“What then is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know.” — Saint Augustine
Time is everywhere in our life, yet few can define it precisely. Our living is based on the time, but without our conscious, time seems to be nothing. Time shows its diversity when we understand it from different angle: sometimes it is as stable and eternal as the sun, while it suddenly disappears like a wisp of smoke other times.
In this exhibition, I attempt to inspire the imagination of time of the viewers through design, discovering more possibilities of time.

Project 004 │ Pick Up And Poster It!

二零一六年八月到十二月這段期間,因為交換的計畫而到了歐洲,在數個月裡,生活不再緊湊,開始有較多的時間思考體會生活,因此我開始了“PICK UP AND POSTER IT!”這個計畫,透過收集生活的片段,累積素材,除了食衣住行,還有旅行的體會,Design is always inspired by life,在累積了這些特別的生活經驗後,經由思考轉化,去蕪存菁,我製作了一系列的海報,用圖像的方式說明及紀錄這段過程。主題分成四大項:生活/食物/植物/Random Boom生活:到了新的地方,每件事都是新的體驗,不管是在每天去上學會經過的車站邊,或是常去的商店,都可以找到值得紀錄下來的細節,這也是我探索這座城市的樂趣之一。食物:食物是生活中很重要的一部分,民以食為天,雋永的記憶很多都來自於在旅行中遇見的食物,他讓我可以快速串連這個城市,感受當地的文化,所以我嘗試在食物裡尋找設計的靈感,希望從另一個角度創作作品。植物:芬蘭的植被覆蓋率極高,因此放眼望去,自然無所不在,這是一個讓人感到平靜的地方,我很喜歡在學校及家裡的附近散步,在過程中可以發現很多迷人的植物,探索自然也可以與自己對話,除了可以靜心思考,也可以對周遭的環境觀察更入微。 Random Boom:Random Booooooooooom 來自於一直想嘗試的手法及隨機的靈感,這是一組沒有主題的作品,希望觀者閱讀這組作品時,可以恣意的想像。
“PICK UP AND POST IT!” is a project born within life. It is an accumulation collected from some scraps of my life, such as food, clothing, transporting, my everyday life, and traveling, my abroad life. I believe that “Design is inspired by life.” Gathering and sorting out these pieces of my life, I turn my ideas into concrete designs and posters, exhibiting my way of life for you, and also recording it for me.There are four series: Random Boom / Food / Life / BotanicalLife:Living in Europe is so different from living in Taiwan. Everything was so fresh to me. It made me want to take down every single detail in my daily life, for example, the bus stop on my way to school, the market I visit most, and so on. It was so much fun and it even became a motivation that drove me to explore more of the city.Food:Well goes the Chinese saying, “people regard food as their heaven” (min yi shi wei tian, or food is what matters to people); food is considered an important element in our life. To me, most of my impressions and everlasting memories come from the food I encounter during my trips. Just a taste, it connects me with the city and the culture there. Then it hits me that I should seek inspiration from food and create my works from a different angle. So here it is.Botanical:The plant coverage is high in Finland. When I was in Finland, I often found myself surrounded by nature. I liked to take a walk around my neighborhood and take a stroll in my campus; on the way, I discovered lots of charming and fascinating plants. It is a place where people can feel calm and relaxed. To explore the nature is to explore one’s inner self; one can think calmly and deeply through conversations with oneself. It can also refresh one’s mind and make one a better observer.Random Boom:The concept of this section arises from the longing crafts I’ve always wanted to apply. It is a section filled with random ideas; thus, the titles are left empty. Hope you all could have no limitations or restrictions to stop your imaginations running wild.

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© reference exhibition
22 July ︎︎︎ 28 July 2022│PPP Space
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