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Exhibitor 01:
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Exhibitor 01:
Ke Jyun Wu 吳克軍
New Media Artist 新媒體藝術家
Ke Jyun Wu is a media artist based in Taiwan, specializing in the hyper-realistic type of art.
His works always focus on producing interdisciplinary experiences. Residing at the crossroads of art, design, and technology, Ke Jyun’s works pursue anything that meshes virtuality and reality, emphasizing the quality of rendering, the smoothness of interaction, and even the choice of music, among others.
The works of Ke have been exhibited in numerous countries, such as the U.S., South Korea, Russia, China, and Taiwan.
What has he prepared for us?
“DigiScape series”
年分:2O21 - 2O22
媒材:螢幕、全息投影、手部偵測攝影機、觸碰平板、Midi 控制器
Type: Interactive Installation
Year: 2021-2022
Material: Screen, Looking Glass Portrait, Leap motion, iPad, Midi Controller
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